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Friday, October 19, 2007

Rose Osmans Theory of Nonsense

The Theory of Nonsense has not stopped from functionality. It just has to rest a while and be acquainted to this atmosphere of seriousness; the Theory of Nonsense blog has brought it to. So, does this theory try to prove that it has nothing to do with carelessness?

I take your pardon, when did theories begin to recognize? When did they acquire the sense of humans?

That is the question, until we get to discover non-scientific ways to humanize things.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Rose Osmans Blogerie

I asked my father to give me methodology to blogging. In fact I asked him this question in Danish saying: kan du give mig kun en eksempel af metodologi, så jeg kan bruge det for at blog ugentligt, hvis jeg ikke kan gøre det dagligt?

I know that my father is addicted to this (blogmania). People may think that this new word is negative. But, in fact it is not, since it is about the way we blog here. Is it a new blogging philosophy?

I do not know, and I do not bother to know either. This is why I called this blog the Blog of Nonsense! It is my (blogerie) or you may call it (roseosmans blog). I hate the apostrophe when I come to the way web spiders treat them, as my dad says.

So, getting back to my question and my father,,,, ok my father's answer; I found that, the trick is to classify and diversify your thoughts. This is very generic, as he says. I love it the way he says it: classify, diversify, thoughts and generic. Am I getting generic in this post to complete a mini article for this it? I think, I am flying with my dad's ideas;-)

This is a complete post of nonsense. If you think that it is so nonsense, so why not comment on it here. Let's just make this nonsense a (yey)sense. Have fun.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Blogerie Talks about Thought Generation

Well, going blogerie will be a good walk for the blogging talk I reckon. I have reached this point lately, when I carried with this blogging rhythm. This line indicates that, since there is no limitation to my ideas and thoughts, the blogging job will create extracted blogging lines from time to time.

I have learned by now being extracurricular is something worth too. This point gives you an idea about the evolution of your own ideas and thoughts, while it takes me back to the first time I wrote about the Thought Generation some years ago. It looks like a reflection in the thread of my opinions.

Any idea that you come through from your own experiences can give you options to find out how you could generate more thoughts from this idea. That means any idea has its own seeds. Those seeds are just waiting beyond your actual day to day memory to pick them up and plant them in the soil of your script. They will actually grow and prosper somewhere else in the minds of your readers, while you will get them tied in your behaviours to indulge in your positive thinking to build a ground for some kinds of creations.

Read my mind at www.ezine-act-politics-business-and-love.com/my-journalism-experiences.html too.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Learning new bloggers techniques

Aha, I have just learned that I should be the administrator for the entire tools of the blog to appear at my dashboard. To make yourself the administrator of some blogs you have created and you're sharing just click on "guest" beside your information.

Peaceful Talk

WOW but it has no settings!

Having me published the thank you message below, I got the "bx" error message. While clicking on my browser back arrow too time the message has been published twice. I then checked the settings and clicked on permission to find nothing there except these lines:

You are an author of this blog. Remove yourself from this blog. If you remove yourself, your previous posts will still appear on the blog, but you will not be able to make new posts. This blog will no longer appear on your Dashboard or in your profile.

I'll try to publish this post to see results in action;-)

Thank You Google

Yes, thank you Google. I have just got here. I don't know how! It just happened like a dream. I should rub my eyes now. It seems like a dream. Well, the process seems simple though. There's a formula to be captured here I think.

Thank You Google

Yes, thank you Google. I have just got here. I don't know how! It just happened like a dream. I should rub my eyes now. It seems like a dream. Well, the process seems simple though. There's a formula to be captured here I think.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Blogerie Oshshsh

This is a really nonsense blog. I don't know why I have created it. I think this is because I didn't find a way after being forced to transfer to new blogger to continue posting into my http://nice-kids-fun.blogspot.com with my father.

I may continue to post here and I may not. But if you liked to leave me a note you're welcome here at Blogerie.

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