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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Rose Osmans Blogerie

I asked my father to give me methodology to blogging. In fact I asked him this question in Danish saying: kan du give mig kun en eksempel af metodologi, så jeg kan bruge det for at blog ugentligt, hvis jeg ikke kan gøre det dagligt?

I know that my father is addicted to this (blogmania). People may think that this new word is negative. But, in fact it is not, since it is about the way we blog here. Is it a new blogging philosophy?

I do not know, and I do not bother to know either. This is why I called this blog the Blog of Nonsense! It is my (blogerie) or you may call it (roseosmans blog). I hate the apostrophe when I come to the way web spiders treat them, as my dad says.

So, getting back to my question and my father,,,, ok my father's answer; I found that, the trick is to classify and diversify your thoughts. This is very generic, as he says. I love it the way he says it: classify, diversify, thoughts and generic. Am I getting generic in this post to complete a mini article for this it? I think, I am flying with my dad's ideas;-)

This is a complete post of nonsense. If you think that it is so nonsense, so why not comment on it here. Let's just make this nonsense a (yey)sense. Have fun.

1 comment:

ZNLA said...

Yeah most blogs are about nonesensical ideas, but thats the fun of it! :)

Keep up the good blogging and thank you for your comment, check in daily for new entries ;) and I'll do the same for you!


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